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Steam games on mobile?

steam link new mobile app

Valve recently announced that soon, Steam users will be able to access their library of Games via compatible mobile devices. After a somewhat unsuccessful couple of years, the Steam Link will be bypassed, meaning users can stream games directly to a mobile device without the need of hardware.

The mobile app for Steam Link is set to to launch in the last week of May 2018, which will allow any Steam users to stream games directly to their iOS and Android devices, free of charge. This is also not limited to just mobile devices, but stretches out to tablets and even compatible TVs.

The new service will start in Beta just for Android devices. There are a few condition that must be met in order for you to use the app though. Firstly, you will have to connect either through an Ethernet cable or a 5Ghz wireless connection and you will also have to use a Steam controller or an MFI (Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad) controller. Clearly these conditions will mean a lot of people can not use the feature, at least for the time being.

Valve have also announced that the follow up app, 'Steam Video' will be released sometime this summer. This app will allow the user to watch the ever growing catalogue of movies and TV Shows that are currently on sale within Steam. My best guess it that they want to get their foot into the media streaming sector and potentially compete with Netflix and Amazon Prime Video in the coming years.

Although I predict that these apps wont hit the ground running, it is nice to see Valve doing something new and I hope that a few years down the line that these apps and features will be much more accessible and desirable.


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