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[GAME] Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love Review

Developer: Sega

Publisher: Sega

Genre: Role Playing Game, Visual Novel

Format: Playstation 2 (Reviewed), Wii

Released: March 20th 2010

So you want to play a game where everyone belittles the main character and are extremely shallow? Well you’re in luck this is the game for you. Never have I disliked a cast of characters so quickly, It’s all too obvious that they are going to flip flop and come to love and need you but what a ridiculous way to do it. I mean fair enough at least they let you know but come on, what a joke.

The whole concept is a bit bizarre, you control the main character and specific dialogue yet most of his lines are chosen for you and he has voiced dialogue in the cutscenes. I don’t understand why they didn’t scrap the dialogue and just let you choose like other similar games. It’s just weird choosing options for someone who already has a personality which people react to. No option to be an evil person as you play as a pushover. Would have been great to have been able to customise your character. The voice acting is pretty horrendous, only 2 characters have decent voices, the rest are over the top but not in a fun campy way. The main portion of the first few hours is chatting to the cast, which I spent most of the time trying to upset all who hated the main character.

Figured the poor guy needed a backbone so I’d help him out there. I had plenty of time to do this, especially in the first hour as nothing of note happens, your character just gets abused until everyone is impressed with how you can turn some lights on. Most of the gameplay in these parts are quick time events because everyone loves those. You do get a variety of quick time events but it would be nice if there was a game part to the gameplay. After talking to everyone and they almost realise the friendship and teamwork make the dreamwork, you aren’t thrust into battle in your Mechs looking like the robotic Power Rangers.

I have to say the combat system is pretty decent, you move around freely until your meter runs out or with the remainder of your meter you can attack. You get a few skills as well and you can do a joint attack with your teammates for extra damage. You can also heal during your turn without using any items or mp so that’s a nice change of pace instead of having a healer take up a party slot. Battle however can be a little slow due to the animations taking a long time. So get used to skipping them unfortunately.

You do get 2 different types of battle but it’s pretty much the same thing 1 time your are on land and the other flying, it does give a nice change of pace and scenery to the battles though. The weapons are a bit odd for mechs and feel redundant, you could have just had someone wear a jetpack and hack and slash away.

Everything considered I would give this game a 5/10, it’s just way too slow paced however there are glints of a great game. I like that keeping everyone happy boosts their performance and that battle animations feel like they are from a TV show but there are too many issues to give it a better score.

I really wanted this to be great, still a decent combat system though - Mamushi


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