Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands launches the second special operation in its year 2 roadmap. The update is set to launch today (24th July 2018) and will feature a free mission as well as operators from the Rainbow Six: Siege universe.
The operator known as Twitch requires your help as you aid Valkyrie in locating a missing comrade within the Wildlands. You can work together as a team to complete this mission as you contantly live in fear of the Brazillian operator, Caveira. Watch the gameplay below:
As well as this, the update brings new character customisation, including skins, weapons and emotes based on the Rainbow Six: Siege operators. With a total of over 100 new items, this is one of the biggest changes to date and is set to bring in a plethora of new players from the R6S fanbase. Read more about this update from the offical press release: Click Here