Developer: Atomic Planet Entertainment
Publisher: Midas Interactive
Genre: FPS, Horror
Format: Playstation 2
Released: March 31st 2006
Ever wanted to see what the bare minimum to make a game is well here you go. There are controls to the games, very floating and awkward but controls nonetheless. You are given a weapon, a defective crossbow which takes 4 hours to reload even when the animation has finished you still have to wait for the “game” to be ready to use it again. Trying to hit an enemy can be tricky, not only because on the controls but the hit detection is shocking. The cursor could be red as you are aiming at the face but sometimes it doesn’t want to work. No worries though as the AI is joke as well, they all just walk towards you in an orderly fashion.
I do appreciate that they want out of this as quick as possible. The models for the characters are awful as well except for the female vampire who other than being caked in dirt it is well rendered. I guess they wanted one thing to look interesting instead just a dull grey boring mess of an environment. Oh and guess what you get a sewer level maze straight away that is if you don’t get lost on the road as you have to figure out that you can vault over a special crate.
Can you do that to the rest of them? No of course not. It’s also one of those no checkpoints except for when you complete a level type of games. Perfect for the stealth level which the game is clearing laughing at you for as it’s 2 feet away from you but is protected by an invisible wall. Make sure you are quiet and that includes the revolver you get which you can just fire off whenever you want as the vampires are deaf. To make up for this they will just randomly spot you even when it’s impossible for any of them to see you. Fair’s fair I suppose.
Let’s get the score over with before I spend more time on my review than they did on the game. I give Daemon Summoner a 2/10. 1 point for the giggle I had at the female vampire being told off and the other for the fact the game had rain in it. Yes that’s how generous I am being.
What's the point in releasing this game? - Mamushi