Author: Ryogo Narita
Producer: Aniplex
Genre: Action, Mystery, Comedy, Historical, Supernatural
Released: July 27th 2007
Baccano! Is one of the few anime that I have watched which has put a constant smile of my face, whether it be due to the incredible opening theme, the wacky characters or the plot twists which occur throughout. It’s such an amazing journey and I’m not just talking about the train ride. I am going to keep character names and spoilers to an absolute minimum as it may give away too much of the plot.
The bare bones of the story is separated into different segments with the anime chopping and changing between different character perspectives and different years. The main bulk of the story takes place on a train with the secondary chunk of the story showing the different relations between the rival mafia bosses and how the huge cast of characters know each other. This may sound pretty confusing as the plot switches to and from many different years let alone scenes and to be honest it is. It is however done in a way which doesn’t leave you guessing but makes you understand more by watching it through multiple times.
I’m not going to lie I was missing some pieces of the puzzle the first time but after the second binge watch it all fell into place. Quickly touching on the different characters, there are so many but you don’t get overwhelmed by the amount. If anything you appreciate just how fleshed out the personalities are for them except maybe 2 or 3. Baccano! Also has possibly the greatest comedic duo in all of Anime, I wish I could say I was joking but they are that good. Every scene they get their silly little faces into they steal the show, it’s hilarious.
The animation is nothing to brag about but the expressions make up for a lot of the dull grey backgrounds which are sometimes present. Also the attention to detail is great, there could be a serious scene taking place but the the quirks the characters have shine through without them uttering a word. I don’t want to go any more in depth as I want everybody and their cat to watch this anime.
I easily give Baccano! An 8.5/10, it would benefit from a few more episodes so some scenes aren’t jammed packed with information but like I said the characters more than make up for any of the flaws this anime has. Now excuse me I’m going to watch it for a 6th time.
Carol!!! You need to watch this review - Mamushi